Step forward in the path of ZDHC supplier to zero
We are more than pleased to announce that Hayleys Fabric PLC has been certified for the ZDHC supplier to zero progressive level, which is offered by the ZDHC implementation hub. It’s a pleasure to showcase our commitment towards ZDHC and future-focused as the market leader.

Established in 1993, Hayleys Fabric PLC is the pioneer in textiles manufacturing in Sri Lanka. We provide end to end solutions from design to manufacturing of fabric made out of natural and synthetic fibers. Company also has the capability of in-house printing with 16-colour printing machines, fabric brushing machines and sueding machines. Hayleys PLC, our parent company, is the oldest conglomerate in Sri Lanka with interests in diverse business operations. Hayleys Fabric PLC shares are listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange (symbol: MGT.N0000).